This is what I received from my secret sister yesterday. I'm so impressed! What a great collaged notebook - and there's my name (thursday) along the top of the photo (this is a top spiral notebook - it's sideways in the pic). The notebook itself is rather odd. The top 4/5 or so of the pages are blank, with the bottom 1/5 lined - and the lined portion can be torn off. What shall I use it for? I don't know yet, but something good!
My knitflix package does not seem to have arrived yet - I sent it out on the 3rd or 4th of October. Seems a bit odd. Nor have I received a package yet. Also odd, since my partner said she was sending it out on the 3rd or 4th also! Huh. I hope they aren't lost in the mail.
I just got my vegan pal's name, and I'm going to have to think hard to figure out what to make for her. I do have a month, though, so hopefully that will be enough time to make something fun. I just ate an egg - so I'm not vegan today. Actually, if I had to give up knitting with wool, eating cheese (not melted - i abhor stringy cheese - makes me gag, i know, it's odd), wearing leather, and my lip balm with beeswax?! Wow. I dunno. But this swap is definitely making me think more about what is in all sorts of products.
I never mentioned that what I do for a living can be a bit disturbing. I work in a radiocarbon lab - and I extract collagen (the organic portion) from bones for dating. And that means that I crush bones into 1mm fragments - yes, human bone too. I'm not sure if vegans would have a problem doing that - I mean, these are long dead individuals - I'm not eating them or using them for tools or clothing, so.... Actually, many people might find it all a little creepy.
1 comment:
Mail is weird like that. My Funky Scarf (from the swap of the same name) hasn't arrived yet and it's been weeks. I'm worried.
You should try Merry Hempsters lip balm. It's the best vegan stuff out there and now they have one with SPF. =)
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