Friday, September 21, 2007

have inexplicably gained hips overnight.

Ok, sometimes I think I'm Bridget Jones. When crazy things happen, such as, say, gaining mass in my hips, stomach, and thighs when I am doing more yoga and eating less fatty/sugary stuff... I am prone to speaking in Bridget Jones-like sentence structure (in my head, mainly). Right. Calories: 2534. Jelly bellies do not count as are expired and thus probably lose calories through time. Also beer and wine - no info on label must mean completely free of evil fattening calories. Ok, not really. Must go back and re-read Bridget Jones in order to write properly.

Um, right. So, I am going to need more jeans this winter as all jeans bought last year are now too tight. Either that, or do seventy-zillion curl-ups a day for the next few months. The internets might be making me fat.

Back to more interesting news from the month of August. I finally got my Haiku bag!! I'd forgotten that I'd ordered it (back in April). I must say, I really do love this bag. It was a bit more expensive than I'd normally pay for something like this....
I love the blue and the brown together, lots of pockets, nice vegan leather-like stuff (that yes, I've gotten wet in the rain and it's fine), and washable interior. It's sold by several retailers as a diaper bag, even. I think the strap could use a bit more cushioning (ok, any cushioning), but perhaps I shouldn't put such heavy stuff in it. You want one. You know you do! Go on over to Scout's and get one - there are some great new designs, too.

Also in August, I won a contest over at Romi's blog! She sent me this lovely shawl pin:
I absolutely *love* her designs! I'm so excited to own one (and this simple one happens to be my favorite)! BUT.... I haven't yet knit a shawl or stole to use it on. Any ideas? Since I'm a lace beginner, I'm not sure I'm ready for Rosemary's Muir. Although, yes, it's lovely! I also like the Hanami Stole. Isn't it amazing? What do you guys think? I want the color to go well with the copper color of the pin, too.

I think I'm going to cast on for the Tangled Yoke Cardigan this weekend! Oh, after swatching, of course...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Where have I been?

Well, I've been trying to get things back on track in my life. Yep. And there was still very slow knitting going on. But, see here?

It's a completed Jaywalker! And, believe it or not...I've actually started on the second one!

And here!

A completed Blue Tomato! I know the neck is a bit wonky. Somehow I managed to pick up a different number of stitches on one side. And the yellow in the stranded design pulls in under the blue, so you see odd little patches. But, I'm still proud of finishing my first sweater!!

I just finished it Sunday, after putting off the collar and sleeves for a couple of weeks. Picking up stitches around the neck irritated me a bit. I think it's because I really didn't want to rip anything out. Gosh, I'm lazier than I thought.

There are other things afoot in my life, also... we visited my in-laws in Florida a couple of weeks ago. I survived. In a teeny pre-fab house (with seams, I tell you, *seams* in the plastic walls). I probably shouldn't get into the issues with my husband's parents here. I mean, really, who doesn't have issues? Especially if you're an only child (as my husband is). But, in early August, we were told that my mother-in-law has cancer. The day before her surgery. There is a long tradition here of keeping relatives and friends in the dark about medical issues. I'm not clear on the reasoning behind it, but I'm thankful that we were at least told *before* the surgery! My FIL did not want to tell my husband at all. ?!?! They didn't tell her sister, even, who lives TWO DOORS away. Okay, thanks for the short vent.

Anyhow - I have more to tell you about. I have acquired some cool stuff within the past month that I'll take photos of soon...