It's a completed Jaywalker! And, believe it or not...I've actually started on the second one!
And here!
A completed Blue Tomato! I know the neck is a bit wonky. Somehow I managed to pick up a different number of stitches on one side. And the yellow in the stranded design pulls in under the blue, so you see odd little patches. But, I'm still proud of finishing my first sweater!!
I just finished it Sunday, after putting off the collar and sleeves for a couple of weeks. Picking up stitches around the neck irritated me a bit. I think it's because I really didn't want to rip anything out. Gosh, I'm lazier than I thought.
There are other things afoot in my life, also... we visited my in-laws in Florida a couple of weeks ago. I survived. In a teeny pre-fab house (with seams, I tell you, *seams* in the plastic walls). I probably shouldn't get into the issues with my husband's parents here. I mean, really, who doesn't have issues? Especially if you're an only child (as my husband is). But, in early August, we were told that my mother-in-law has cancer. The day before her surgery. There is a long tradition here of keeping relatives and friends in the dark about medical issues. I'm not clear on the reasoning behind it, but I'm thankful that we were at least told *before* the surgery! My FIL did not want to tell my husband at all. ?!?! They didn't tell her sister, even, who lives TWO DOORS away. Okay, thanks for the short vent.
Anyhow - I have more to tell you about. I have acquired some cool stuff within the past month that I'll take photos of soon...
Welcome back! You've been missed. :)
My family sounds very similar to your husband's: we don't tell anyone in our family ANYTHING. Ever.
It's weird, and I don't really understand why we do it, but apparently we're big fans of the emotional drive-by. Sometimes conversations go like this:
Me: Hi.
Them: Hey, did you know that your grandfather married that lady that he cheated on your grandmother with, but the marriage only last a year and everyone was really mad?
Me. No.
Them: Okay, bye.
So, the fact that they told you before the surgery is probably BIG progress on their part.
So glad to see you back! We have some similar issues over here. One thing I'm certain of...all families are weird. Hope things go well with your MIL.
Oh no! I hope your MIL's surgery is successful. A cancer diagnosis is so scary.
Nice knitting work you've been doing! It can be a nice distraction when such family oddities are going on.
My EX-husband's family was like that -- 'Oh, didn't you know? Mom almost died last WEEK from ruptured appendicitis. She nearly died from the poison everywhere... She's been in the hospital in *major city* since then and they're releasing her tomorrow." My mom's family is opposite, every ache and pain...
Oooh! I love your Blue Tomato! It's so pretty!
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