Despite all this, it's fun to people-watch. I spent a couple hours on my porch yesterday critiquing everyone! We have a huge number of freaks per capita here in Tucson.... I might have to post about some of my favorites someday... Also fun to watch as people comment on my house - we have ocotillo fencing around the yard. The previous tenants put it up to prevent the homeless from sleeping on the porch. I know, I'm painting quite a picture, aren't I? You all want to move here now, right? ;)
So what is the *thing* about street fairs? Well, everyone seems to enjoy them - but, honestly, it's all the same CRAP every year (ok, twice a year). I wouldn't have thought this before 2005, probably, because I collect as much as the next guy. I used to consider myself a "packrat." However, since July 1, 2005, my house has become a lot cleaner, I collect a lot less stuff.
Although I was warned, I went to help a friend pack up her stuff - my co-worker indicated that it might be traumatic. Honestly, I thought I could handle it! I'm messy, I collect stuff...right? Um, no. OCD "Hoarding" disorder....I'm sure my friend does not believe she's OCD, but her house says otherwise. And I went over to help her *after the moving truck had already gone.* Her husband had already moved, a moving van full of stuff had already moved.... and the house was a MESS. I went through her laundry room (took a full day). She had boxes full of broken sunglasses (probably a total of 30+ pairs), "super-glue projects" was in another box, the little cardboard squares from boxes of weigh-paper (taken from work), the plastic cover pieces ripped off of who knows what - doll boxes? - you know the plastic sheets I mean... One of the symptoms is keeping piles and piles of printed matter (newspapers, magazines...) - most of this had already been dealt with. OCD people think their stuff is worth as much to others as it is to them (her garage sale items were quite overpriced). Let me tell you something - if you ever bring lunch somewhere and find BUGS in it - you have a serious problem. I'm not kidding. Hoarders are the least likely to get help (they think it's just you're typical "packrat" thing...). When my husband got home that day at 5:15pm - I was drinking a beer. Not my typical behavior. And the next day, when I threw out boxes and boxes of articles from grad school, he knew something was wrong! But I guess I'm better off now... if only I could deal with my serious procrastination problem...
Your street fair sounds like our weekly flea market - all the same stuff (mostly) and most of it is junk. We still go and watch the animals and the people though, and once in a while bring home a treasure.
I used to attend the yearly Street Fair in Fargo, North Dakota - when I lived there. That was wonderful! There were horse and buggy rides, homemade everything from pottery and soap to woodworking and woven rugs.. etc. etc. There were food vendors and antique car people as well. It stretched out for about four blocks from the middle of downtown to the middle of the central park ;o)
I've noticed that about street fairs. It is all the same stuff. A good art and wine festival will draw me out every time though.
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